Think Creative with Islamic STEAM Project Based Learning

  • Farhatin Masruroh Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia
  • Raudlatul Qamariyah Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia
  • Ratna Pangastuti Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Indonesia
Keywords: I-STEAM, loose parts, creative thinking


I-STEAM project-based learning with loose parts media is a vital lesson to be applied in early childhood education to prepare a generation that can think creatively, master science and technology, be able to solve problems, and have a positive character so that they can compete in the global arena without lost a noble personality. This study uses classroom action research an observation of learning activities in the form of an action that is deliberately raised and occurs in the classroom, carried out in two cycles. The results of this study: 1) Increasing children's creative thinking skills through I-STEAM PJbL-based learning with loose parts media begins with the children being divided into groups with different activities. Children carry out I-STEAM PJbL activities with loose parts according to their interests. The teacher gives freedom to children to create different work; children are also free to ask questions and express opinions. 2) The results showed an increase in creative thinking skills in children. In the pre-cycle, the percentage of children was 45%, and after the action was taken in the first cycle, only 13 children out of a total of 20 children were declared capable of achieving the minimum completeness criteria, with a percentage of 65%. While in the second cycle, 17 children achieved the minimum completeness criteria, namely with a percentage of 85%. Based on the results of the second cycle, it was discontinued in the next cycle because it had reached the specified classical completeness target, which was 80%.


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How to Cite
Farhatin Masruroh, Raudlatul Qamariyah, & Ratna Pangastuti. (2022). Think Creative with Islamic STEAM Project Based Learning. Review of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 131-136.
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