The Effect of Democracy on the Law Islamic Family In Indonesia

  • Fahmi Basyar Fakultas Hukum, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Cendekia Insani, Indonesia
Keywords: influence, democracy, Islamic Family Law


A democratic political system will develop liberalism of thought and legislation on Islamic Family Law. The existence of open public space causes the influence of democracy on the development of liberalism of thought to express discourse so that during the democratic period, there was contestation of religious discourse, both liberal and conservative. John L. Esposito (1982) argues that there is a renewal in the marriage law due to social changes, which will lead to new demands according to the situation’s needs and conditions. Esposito’s opinion is strengthened by Ahmad Tholab Kharlie (2013), who concludes that legal modernization and social change are interconnected entities that influence each other. Maznah Mohammad (2011) explains that law and legal interpretation have changed according to the changing structure of state and community authorities. Therefore, refute the opinion of Lama Abu Odeh (2004), which states that the only way to encourage the reform of Islamic Family Law is with a system of legal secularization. It can also refute the opinion of Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im (2008), which states that secularization is the only way to make a Muslim practice religion properly. Odeh and An-Na’im’s opinion can be refuted by following the development of Islamic Family Law legislation in Indonesia which uses a presidential system. Moh. Mahfud MD (2010) concluded that to make changes to Islamic law and enforce it nationally, Muslims must struggle in the political arena nationally. So, it can be concluded that secularism is not the only way to change Islamic Family Law in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Fahmi Basyar. (2022). The Effect of Democracy on the Law Islamic Family In Indonesia. Review of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 156-165.
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