Stock in the Sharia Economic Perspective

  • Moh. Asra Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia
Keywords: buying-selling (al-bay’), stock, stock exchange, emitten


Islam encourages all its followers to work and seek livelihood to meet the needs of life both for himself or his family. Work to find livelihood in Islam like or equal to someone who jihad in the way of Allah. Investing in the context of seeking halal profit is highly recommended in sharia. One form of investment is the sale of stocks (securities as proof of ownership in a company), which is a form of cooperation with other parties to obtain profits. Stocks are goods or assets that can be traded on the stock exchange. Buying and selling stocks is not a new thing in this country. Trade like this stock exchange regulations and systems are well organized. Stock trading is one of many types of buying and selling transactions. Buying and selling in Islamic economics is a type of business activity that can be seen from many aspects, for example from fiqh mu’amalah (Sharia Economic Law). Buying and selling stocks (securities that indicate someone's ownership of a particular company's assets, of course, are allowed as long as following sharia principles, including not containing the element of gharar, not containing maysir and so on.



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How to Cite
Moh. Asra. (2023). Stock in the Sharia Economic Perspective. Review of Islamic Studies, 2(1), 21-26.
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