Sociological Review of Islamic Family Law on Different Age Marriage

  • Muhammad Ihwan Fakultas Saintek, Universitas Ibrahimy, Situbondo, Indonesia
Keywords: Sociology, Marriage, Difference


The motivation for marriage of different ages and knowing the relationships that are built in families of different ages, this research will discuss an analysis of the motivations and patterns of relationships that are built in marriages of different ages by using relation theory and the sociology of Islamic family law, as well as other supporting theories.

This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research conducted to find direct data in the field, valid data, and based on facts by the research theme. In this study, there are two sources needed, namely: primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, documentation, data analysis techniques in this study were qualitative analysis.

Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that marriage motivation is the initial basis for marriage between a man and a woman, thus in the discussion that has been described from the previous chapter regarding age difference marriages, from two pairs of husband and wife there are several marriage motivations. including empathy (pity), promises/ vows, economic influence, and pregnancy out of wedlock. While the pattern of relationships that are built in families of different age marriages there are patterns of division of labor, fulfillment of living in the family, and patterns of solving problems in the family.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Ihwan. (2023). Sociological Review of Islamic Family Law on Different Age Marriage. Review of Islamic Studies, 2(2), 61-70. Retrieved from
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