Student Teachers’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Bullying: A Systematic Literature Review
The potential future responsibility of Student Teachers to address bullying among their students remains uncertain. This article undertook a comprehensive investigation to evaluate the readiness of Student Teachers in fulfilling this crucial role. A systematic review was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitudes, sense of responsibility, and confidence of Student Teachers in dealing with bullying. Our review included a total of 32 studies that met the criteria for inclusion. The findings indicate that only a small proportion of Student Teachers possess a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental characteristics of bullying. Regarding their attitudes towards bullying, the majority of Student Teachers express concern about this issue, although a certain number still perceive it as a normal aspect of the developmental process. Student Teachers tend to perceive certain forms of bullying as more severe than others, with physical bullying being regarded as the most serious form by many. While most Student Teachers acknowledge their responsibility in addressing bullying, a considerable portion lacks confidence in their ability to do so. The implications of these findings for future research on Student Teachers, teacher preparation programs, and endeavors aimed at diminishing bullying in educational institutions are discussed.
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