A Persuasive Approach To Improving Character Of Student Discipline

  • Eriyanto Eriyanto Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Ibrahimy, Indonesia
Keywords: persuasive approach, disciplined character, students


Persuasion includes expressions that aim to seduce or persuade the target to follow his invitation. The persuasive approach used in the field of education, such as by teachers, ministries of education, and other educational personnel, aims to invite readers such as pupils, pupils or students to be interested in things that are still relevant or related to education, which in this discussion the persuasive approach aims to increase discipline character of school students. The type of research used is Field Research or field research using a qualitative approach. A qualitative research approach is research that uses qualitative data (data in the form of sentences, schemes, images, graphs, and narratives) related to the implementation of persuasive approach methods toward students' disciplinary character (Darmadi, 2014). By using a qualitative approach which according to Bogdan and Taylor is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words from people and observable behavior (Moleong, 2013). The analysis description shows that the implementation of a persuasive approach can influence students and make it easier for students to understand lessons and be disciplined in carrying out school activities. This is due to the process of explaining through persuasive communication both verbally and non-verbally. In this way, this persuasive approach can make a positive contribution to the process of implementing school programs, whether in the form of learning or developing students' abilities, especially the emergence of interest in learning, so that students' disciplinary character can improve well.


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How to Cite
Eriyanto Eriyanto. (2024). A Persuasive Approach To Improving Character Of Student Discipline. Review of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 18-27. https://doi.org/10.35316/ris.v3i1.543
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