The Effect of Islamic Boarding School Culture on the Character Forming and Ability of Students
This study focuses on the influence of Islamic boarding school education culture on moral formation in Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Wonorejo Situbondo. Then also look for whether there is a relationship between the culture of the pesantren with the formation of the morals of the students because culture is a boarding school culture that affects the mindset, mentality, character, habits, and morals of the students who use the dormitory system with the supervision of the ustadz. It is hoped that the pesantren education culture can form a superior person, namely a person who has good character. The research was conducted to answer the following problems: (1) What is the education culture of Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Wonorejo Situbondo? (2) What are the activities carried out by the Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School students in Wonorejo Situbondo? (3) How is the relationship between the educational culture of Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Wonorejo Situbondo, and the moral formation of the students. The type of research is qualitative research. The educational culture in Islamic boarding schools can foster students' character, form mentality, get used to worship, create self-conceptions, and form noble attitudes for students so that the behavior of everyday life to realize with good morals. Hopefully, with good character, it can positively impact students, both for Allah, other people, and the environment.
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